Topic Suggestion and Post Written by Linda Little Strickland, January 30, 2008
A while back I got this suggestion from Linda Little Strickland: “Karla, I thought a good blog topic would be about teachers that have influenced our lives. Now that we are in our retirement years we have the time to reflect on those days, oh so long ago. Linda”
I responded that it was a great topic and would she please write a piece from her own experience as the initial post. Here is Linda’s reflection on the topic…
“Here I sit in Savannah, Georgia, drinking coffee from Louisiana, thinking about my classmates in Texas and everywhere else. It has truly been a rainy night in Georgia.
When I was in high school I took Distributive Education, school half a day and then off to work. I missed meeting and having camaraderie with the students at Milby. Years after high school, my son Keith was looking through my school albums and said "Mom, do you know you went to school with K.T. Oslin?" I don't remember having a class with Kay. I'm proud of all my classmates - their adventures, and accomplishments. Like Karla, I just want to read more!
Teachers are important people in the life of a child. As I look back on my life, I remember Mr. McWhirter, a man of short stature who wore glasses. He was a soft spoken Christian man who was my English teacher at Milby. Wish I had paid more attention when grammar was taught, loved the Literature classes. I will never forget Silas Marner. I sat at the back of the classroom, always talking to my classmates. One day Mr. McWhirter walked to the back of the room (as he often did) and requested I write some of his comments on the blackboard.
As I was walking to the front of the class he said to me "Linda, you could star in “Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend". Just a comment, nothing more. But to a lonely, insecure girl with low self-esteem, that comment spoke volumes. Would you believe to this day I can stand before any group of people? Instilled in me was a can-do attitude and a desire to discover my latent talents. Encouraging words still remembered from a teacher I knew fifty years ago.
During high school I worked at J.J. Newberry’s, located at the Gulf Gate Mall. I was so skinny had a hard time holding up those straight pencil skirts we wore back then. One day when at work, I was standing very still and a customer touched my arm. When I moved, she jumped back and said, '' I thought you were a mannequin.” Back in those days I bought a Ford station wagon for $75.00. The sides had wood panels. There was a hole the size of a plate in the back floor board, and it’s a wonder the fumes didn't kill me. Like Herbert Johns said about his car, it had four wheels and rolled.
After graduation, I attended Mary Beth McDonald Modeling School. That pursuit was derailed when I got married and had three children by the time I was twenty-six. My daughter was born when I was thirty years old and I was a stay-at-home Mom. The encouraging words of Mr. McWhirter that lifted my spirits while in High School were reflected in my communication with my children. Life revolved around family, church and school.
I worked part time jobs, like on Saturday at the post office, voting poll just once, and Social Services at a nursing home before a degree was required. While at the nursing home I observed how some of the patients were never touched, staff cleaned around them like a piece of furniture and their names were never spoken. It made me sad. I read a poem entitled "The Crabby Old Woman". From that poem I created a ten minute skit with props going from a ten year old child to an eighty year old woman. The skit represents the stages of life described by Eric Erikson, a psychologist who developed the hurdles of development from infancy to old age. I have performed this skit as an inservice to health care workers and others for the past twenty years. Now I have become the crabby old woman ................Not! After viewing my performance, a mayor from Pineville, La. had to go to the hospital because his blood pressure got sky high. The skit brought back memories of his mother.
At the age of forty-six I decided to go to college. Can't tell you how nerve wracking it was to take an ACT test after being out of school thirty years. I was not the sharpest knife in the drawer and always had to put forth more effort, study harder and longer. I completed college at LSU at the age of fifty. GO TIGERS ....... January 7th.
I chose to go into nursing as there was a shortage of nurses and there were employment opportunities everywhere. I decided to be a Psych Nurse. The field of mental health is my passion. I have seen the trail of destruction that mental illness causes in the lives of people, their family, marriage, and jobs. Many do not realize they have a mental illness or will not accept it. Some people have lived year after year under the dark cloud of depression, not knowing there is help out there. Many times people do not understand why a person would commit suicide or what to say to a friend or loved one who has those thoughts, although help is a phone call away. When a person is depressed they cannot just snap out of it. Being covered with a dirt blanket is a permanent solution to a temporary situation. Recently I created a skit on Suicide which was received well by my peers and other staff at the hospital where I now work. People with mental illness need encouraging words.
My retirement date is January 31, 2008. As I look back over this life I have lived, my accomplishment I am most proud of is my children. We have had struggles and many hills to climb, roads were not straight (my State Farm bills prove it), wrong turns were made, but life has been good. My son Kenneth lives in Texas, completed college after being married fifteen years, loves racing cars. Second son Kevin has a home building business in central Louisiana. Third son Keith is with the Secret Service (Homeland Security). The call went out for officers to train for the Counter-Terrorist Assault Team (C.A.T.). Many applied for the training, nine made it and Keith was one of them. At this time he is on the presidential detail with President Bush at the White House. Daughter Kristan has been in radio and television for many years and now has her own production business, Life's Eyes Media. Kristan is a Volunteer of the Year by the Cancer Association, 2007 in the Kentucky/Ohio region.
As Mr. McWhirter saw through the facade of a bleached blond (not appropriate in the fifties), rebellious girl without self worth, his encouraging words lifted my spirit and gave this little train the courage to say, "I can do it". I was able to pass that knowledge to my family, children, patients and coworkers. I am reminded of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 "Encourage one another and build each other up". Linda
WOW, Linda – thanks for those reflections on Mr. McWhirter and his influence not only on your life, but through you on the lives of many others. Thanks, too, for revealing so much of yourself to us. I would LOVE to see that skit, "The Crabby Old Woman". Maybe at our 50th reunion! (See Linda's Biography for more information about her life.) Please leave a response to Linda via a comment below. And, I hope that many others will offer their remembrances of teachers through comments below (or e-mail, with your photos). If you have a story to tell, do not feel limited on length – a comment can be as long as you wish to make it! Karla
Additional Information about Linda's son, Keith, was submitted in a comment under the post "Patriots and Heroes" on 01/10/08 as follows: Please remember my son Keith in your prayers. Today he is with President Bush in the Middle East. All our servicemen and women need the hedge of protection around them that only God can provide.
12/14/08 I received the following e-mail and attachments related to this Post from John Hammerle. John wrote, "A while back, someone suggested that we select a teacher that influenced us greatly while in school. I received this in the mail a few weeks ago, and debated on sending a copy to you for the blog for fear of "tooting my on horn," pun intended. I have received many of these thru the years, as many of you have, and am thoroughly convinced that this is the catalyst that keeps us going and improving our teaching pedagogy year to year. When we realize how many students that we have been in front of thru the years, it really does hit home.” John [You may have to put your specs on to read these. You may be able to increase the size of the entire blog, at least just to read these letters. My option is at the bottom right of the screen, yours may be a drop-down menu under view inthe upper task bar.]
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Hey Linda, great message, what a wonderful story for this time of year-perhaps the most depressing time for many people. Words alone can't describe the pride I have for my childhood friend and classmate.
Posted by: John Echoff | December 24, 2007 at 12:05 AM
Well, I guess there were two teachers that influenced me. Mrs. Harris, my English teacher (God bless her for putting up with me) and she told me that if I didn't sleep in class so much I could do so much better. She was right; like Linda Little Strickland, English was a tremendous struggle after my SATs to get into college at 50 years old ( I graduated in 1999).
Mrs. Strickland (D.E. teacher) influenced me most I guess because she showed me so much support outside of school - with my work, as well encouraged me in my business of branding cattle and breaking wild horses for people. She even came to Humble one time and watched me work on a Saturday.
Both of them continually told me that I could succeed in anything that I set my mind toward accomplishing. I guess they saw something in me and they were right. I had a successful marriage (at least 23 years anyway) with a daughter that is a buyer for a chemical company and my son is a W. O. I. in the U. S. Marine Corp. I worked my way up from a sub carrier/clerk in the US Post Office and became Postmaster. I became a Teacher after retirement from the Postal Service. Retiring from teaching May, 2007 to run the roads and see our Great State of Texas.
Posted by: Herbert Johns | December 24, 2007 at 12:37 PM
Hi Linda: I second and third your story, it is fantastic to see where you have been and then where you are today. Your life has been very fulfilled in many ways. Isn't it great to look back and remember the ones that have influenced our lives. I was in Mr. McWhirter's homeroom and remember our daily devotions and prayers before we went to first period. That meant so much to me. He was a dear, dear, man and I will always remember him and his sweet smile and gentle spirit. Again, thank you for sharing your life with your classmates of 1960.
Gladys Payne Bohac
Posted by: Gladys M. (Payne) Bohac | December 30, 2007 at 07:55 PM
Gladys, I have enjoyed viewing the beautiful Christmas Projects and reading about all the work you girls put into your projects.
The same Milby spirit I remember our classmates projected as the school activities were presented.
We had a great school in our day.
Posted by: Linda Little Strickland | December 31, 2007 at 02:31 PM
I was jogging my memory about my earlier years, many, many, many years ago, smile. I remember three of my teachers at Harris Elementary. One of my all time favorites was Mrs. Cook, my 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Thornton, 2nd grade and Mrs. Boykin, 6th grade. I will have to send in our class pictures when I find them.
Posted by: Gladys M. (Payne) Bohac | January 06, 2008 at 02:00 PM
Linda, thank you for sharing your heart with us. What an awesome testimony to the Faithfulness & Love of our Daddy God Who wants the very best for His children. Jer. 29:11 (Amp.) comes to mind: "For I know the thoughts & plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts & plans for welfare & peace, & not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
Mr. McWhirter was truly a kind & sensitive man, as well as a great teacher & encourager.
Mr. Eugene L. Seastrand was also like that & was a great influence in my life. It's amazing how we were so blessed to have teachers who believed in us & could draw things out of us we never knew were in there. Having been in the band & orchestra in Deady & Milby, the only instrument I knew was the piano. "However," Mr. Seastrand stretched & challenged me to learn more. Not knowing any different, when he'd say, "Play the stringed bass today; we're short one", I played it. Color me surprised! Of course it was on one level & I was on another to be able to reach the thing, but...we got 'er done. Kettle drum? You've got to be kidding! Slide my foot in that thing to change the pitch & keep hitting those drum heads? My arms are tired! Play the lyre & march at the same time? Hit the right notes & dodge those things the horses in front of us left behind, keep in step & in line all at the same time? Play the xylophone? What happened to the piano? Thank God he never asked me to play the tuba!
Posted by: Billie T. Young | January 08, 2008 at 12:40 PM
My favorite teacher was Mrs Bingham, who taught English. I had her for four semesters, through all of 11th and 12 grades. She made the grammar classes challenging and the literatture classes exciting.
We read Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in 12th grade and each of us had to memorize and recite the passage from one of the "travelers going to Canterbury". I recited Chanticler, the rooster and was so proud that I got it correct. Then Carolyn McSwain got up and recited her segment, I forget which character she chose, but I will never forget that Carolyn recited it in Olde English. It was like listening to a foreign language and it was wonderful.
In grammar classes, we had to diagram sentences on the chalkboard. Talk about learning sentence structure. My baby brother Jim graduated from Klein High School in 1978 and never had to diagram a sentence.
The first and only book report my brother had to complete at Klein High was in his senior year. Mrs Bingham had us do at least three book reports per semester in literature classes, plus we had to write a term paper.
I remember she had a son who was also in the class of 1960, at Austin High. Sadly I learned at one of our reunions that Mrs Bingham and her husband died in a murder, suicide crime a few years later. I can not remember which of them did what but I nearly cried to hear of such a sad end to a wonderful and inspiring teacher.
Posted by: Ray Prichard | January 17, 2008 at 12:05 PM
Well, I can start "at the top" with W.I. Stevenson. He was principal when my mother went there in the 1920s. The first time I ever saw him was when my cousin Kelly graduated from Milby. It was my first time at a high school graduation -- I was 8 or 9, I think -- and I did not know what to expect.
I looked at the program I was given, and didn't see Kelly's name there. Was he not really graduating, after all? My mother and aunts were murmuring to each other that Kelly's name wasn't on the list. The program began. My cousin was president of the senior class and I could see him on the stage with all the dignitaries. Mr. Stevenson began speaking. The only thing I remember him saying was, "And Kelly's not
going to graduate." Kelly and the audience all started laughing, so I began to feel a little better, but I was not completely relieved until the name "Harrison Kelly Sims" was read out, and my cousin crossed over to receive his diploma.
My memories of Mr. Stevenson from high school are fairly vague. I suppose he concentrated on administration and left most of the interaction with students to the personable Roscoe Bayless. The W.I. Stevenson Middle School in Houston is named for our principal and they have a biography posted at:
Karla adds: You can hi-lite this address, poise the arrow over the address and right-click/copy, then right-click/paste this address into the address space at the top of your screen and go to the website referenced here.
Or, you can click on the link to the W. I. Stevenson web page that is listed further down in the right sidebar with other web page links.
Note: You may remember that Mr. Stevenson was the first principal at Milby, opening the school in 1925, and that he retired after our senior year. That means that when we were at Milby, Mr. Stevenson was the only principal that Milby had ever had. That's truly amazing! It is his profile that appears on the front of our Senior Annual. KD
Posted by: Laura McNeil Burns | March 30, 2008 at 10:38 AM
After reading Ray Pritchard's comment I had to chime in about Mrs. Bingham. I don't remember many of the teachers I had (probably would remember more if I saw names or had a record of my high school classes and teachers). But I remember Mrs. Bingham very distinctly. She was as I remember, a very kind person and very patient (a pre-requisite for teaching, especially in hight school!). As always, I sat somewhere near the middle or back of the room, which I think was a "temporary" room not in the main building. Unfortunately, one of the times I remember most was when she was once reduced to tears when several students continued such disruptive behavior that it essentially cancelled out the class. I don't recall that she found it very easy to deal with difficult kids. But I always enjoyed her class and am sorry to hear about such a tragic end for her. But she still lives on in my memory as one of the best teachers at Milby and someone I'll always remember fondly. It might be nice to find out if she had children or grandchildren to who we could send our remembrances.
Posted by: Dave Claridge | March 30, 2008 at 09:14 PM
my friend vern also went to high school with kt oslin. do you remember her?
Posted by: mom42terrificgirls | April 01, 2008 at 09:52 AM
(to fellow milby1960 blogsters: since mom42 gave her URL in the comment space, you can click on her name above and link directly to her website. Cool, huh?)
In response to mom42: I enjoyed tracking back to your blog page. I'd love to answer your question re vern and kt oslin, but need more information. The folks who people this blog are all senior citizens - and, yes, kt oslin was one of us some 48 years ago. We knew her as Kay Oslin and she was a real "drama mama" in high school - very entertaining, although I do not ever recall hearing her sing. If you open the last photo album on our blog (bottom of right sidebar) entitled Milby Drama Productions, you will see that Kay was featured on the cover of this particular play program. She starred in many of our drama department productions.
I don't recall anyone in our class who was named Vern, but if you can tell us a full name it may jog the old (VERY old) brain cells. FYI: Kay attended our 45th reunion and we were very proud to have her in our midst once again. signed: Karla Lofgren Davis, Milby Class of 1960 (blogmeister of this project)
Posted by: In Response to Mom42 | April 01, 2008 at 09:35 PM
Do any of you remember Miss Nanette Barcus, a Spanish teacher at Milby? She called herself "The Pig Lady" (with a twinkle in her eye) because she had a monstrous collection of pigs - ceramic, wooden, pottery, plastic, glass, etc - displayed all over her room - even on the window ledges. She used the immersion method for the most part (speaking only Spanish to the class) and the first year it scared me to death. After that I knew enough to "get the gist" when she started rattling off instruction to us in Spanish.
I was in Spanish classes for two years at Milby and two years at Baylor, and made mostly "A"s. Unfortunately I didn't use the skill much for the next 30 years and lost a lot of the mechanics as well as a lot of the vocabulary.
Now I have great need for that linguistic skill. I teach in a school where many of the students and their parents speak only Spanish. I administer the Federal Title programs at my school and am responsible for assuring that all written materials are available in Spanish, as well as providing for translators for conferences and programs. Of course, I have to secure a translator as I cannot do the translating myself. I understand much of what they say to me - just struggle to answer them without completely showing my ignorance. And my experiences in Miss Barcus's class enable me to empathize with these families - I know how it feels to be in an environment where I do not know the language.
The other thing that I especially remember from Miss Barcus is that she either translated our names into Spanish equivalents (Paul was Pablo, etc.) or pronounced our English names with the Spanish phonetical expression. The one that stands out in my mind is Guy Mason, who became "Gooey" in Miss Barcus's class. I cannot see the name Guy without pronouncing it that way. Sorry, Guy! Karla Lofgren Davis
Posted by: The Pig Lady | May 01, 2008 at 02:24 PM
I've had occasion to help or assist Spanish-speaking people until I've been able to turn over the task to someone who is really bilingual. So I am really glad I studied Spanish, though I can't say I really "speak" it.
And yes, I learned a lot of it from Miss Barkus. I always looked forward to how she had the pigs arranged on her desk -- to mark different holidays and school events, they would be doing different things.
Posted by: Laura McNeil Burns | May 01, 2008 at 08:10 PM
I think we all have our favorites when it comes to our teachers; Miss Fannie Harrell, the personification of the "Old Maid" (no disrespect intended) school teacher, she was a delight; Mr Neimi and the whole drama club thing; M/Sgt Idecker, the ROTC advisor with his chest full of WWII/Korean War medals; but none had the charisma of Mr. Bayless, the Vice Principal. He was probably the most laid back administrator for a high school that ever graced the hallways. He knew which kids needed the little "extra attention" that so many of us deserved, myself included.
It was a real "honor" that, years later, he still remembered my name! I still feel the embarassment when he called me by name when we met years after I graduated. He was a very kind, gentle man that could really swing a paddle-whoooo! I can still see him standing in the hallway as all the students streamed by between classes and he spotted me in the group, acknowledging my presence by calling me by name. Well, maybe that's not such an honor after all...
Posted by: John Echoff | May 05, 2008 at 03:58 AM
I think the teacher who influenced me most was Mrs. Englin. I was also in her homeroom my senior year and possibly my junior year. That made it nice as English was first period and I did not have to leave homeroom and go to another class. I remember being called to the Dean's office telling me I was recommended after having not passing a six weeks test. Mr. Parker must have had an off day then.
Mrs. Englin made me believe in myself. Believe it or not, I used to write so tersely that she had a hard time getting words out of me and on paper. At times I wish I had that ability again as I can go on and on. What I learned from Mrs. Englin also helped when I went to college and scored high enough on the entrance testing (taken at college) that I was placed in a World Literature class that ended up using "great" literature as a spring board to write a thousand word short story or theme based any way from the book. I do not recall ever reading the books (there were 9) and the seniors in the class had it in one semester and we as fish had it in two. That helped my GPA. Wish now I had the Freshman English course in college, as so much of my grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. is GONE. She was even kind enough to hold a brunch for the Honor's (or whatever it was called then) class during Christmas Holidays.
I also remember Señor Gooey Mason in class. Also remember in my sophomore year some of the class actually got her a live piglet. Have no clue to what happened to the poor critter. Probably went to the Ag. department. Ann Herman Beatty
Posted by: Ann Herman Beatty | May 05, 2008 at 08:38 AM
Kay Burg,
Just wanted to let you know that I have good memories of you while at Southmayd, Deady, and Milby. We were in Coeds and served on the school paper together. My Mom was a very active photographer while I was in school. It is good to hear you are doing well.
Posted by: Rita Beeler Robinson | December 02, 2008 at 09:24 AM
Thank you for the nice note. You are so sweet. I remember you well and fondly. Where do you live? Tell us about yourself and Karla will put it on a Biography page. Hope you can come to our 50th Reunion in 2010. Take care.
Posted by: Kay Burg Moseley | December 06, 2008 at 08:11 PM
Good morning Kay. What a great picture of the gang ! I just went to our class picture of 1954 to compare/see what differences a few years make. Seems the same people were always close. Your picture of the recent trek to Katy reminded me that opportunities to visit with our friends do not happen everyday so we must embrace each occasion quickly.
There were at least 2 people missing from your photo, myself and Richard Massey, bless him. Calvin, Richard and I were " The Three Musketeers " and Richard Gibson was D'Artagnan. No one messed with " The Three " and if they did D'Artagnan was there, " Johnny On The Spot ".
It amazes me that you girls have stayed as close as you have all these many years ! Ah, " MEMORIES ". I missed this one. Heres hoping I am never to busy to miss another. Thanks Kay, your freckled faced pal, Mike.
Posted by: Mike Roberts | December 11, 2008 at 09:32 AM
You were missed, but as you told me when you were invited, you may have family commitments. At this time in our lives, we know family comes first.
Richard Gibson, who we called Dick at Southmayd, because we already had a Richard (Massey) in our class told us that Kenneth Hammett was his "bodyguard". Noone messed with him!
We had fun reminiscing. Hope you will be able to join us next time or at our 50th, whichever comes first.
Your curly headed, once brunette friend, Kay
Posted by: Kay Burg Moseley | December 12, 2008 at 04:26 PM