July 10, 2007
- To read posts (also known as threads ), simply scroll down through the main page. Comments from other participants will appear after each thread. To access those, click on the word comment and comments for that thread will be revealed. There are also links to individual threads in the right sidebar under the RECENT POSTS and OTHER POSTS headings. Simply click on the link to the thread you wish to read or on the title of the thread on the main page. The thread will automatically appear in its entirety, including all comments that have been made. A few of the earliest posts had so many comments that they became difficult to access. For that reason I moved the entire post (including comments) to a page linked in the right sidebar. Double click on the title to open that page. On a few I only moved the earliest comments to a page (again, access by double clicking on link in right sidebar), keeping the post and more recent comments in the main body. Those links in the right sidebar have the term "archived comments" included in the title of the link.
- To add your comments to a thread while on the main page, go to the bottom of the thread and click on the word "comments". At the end of the last comment, you can add your own comment by inserting your name (no need to type in email or url addresses) and then typing your comment. When finished typing, click on the "Post" button under the comment box. Your comment will appear in the blog and your name will appear below your comment. (you may have to refresh before it appears)
- If you have clicked on a link to a thread in the RECENT POSTS/OTHER POSTS area in the sidebar or on the title of a thread on the main page, all comments are shown along with the thread content. You can then scroll down to the bottom of the comments and add your own comment. Be sure to click on the Post button to add your comment to the thread.
- If you do not care to make a comment, please sign in the first time you visit this site so we can know that you are here with us. You can do this clicking on the "Signing In" thread listed in the right sidebar. However, we hope that you do not choose to just sign in; we hope you will enrich us with your comments.
- If you have clicked on a thread link in the right sidebar or on the thread title on the main page and wish to return to the main weblog page, use the back arrow of your browser bar or scroll back up to top of current page being viewed and click on the tag entitled "Main".
- To view photos, click on the photo album title found in the right-hand sidebar. Click on individual thumbnails in the album to view larger pictures and information about the photo. See the thread entitled "Photo Album" to learn how to submit photos.
Dear Folks,
I am back from Australia after a side trip to New Zealand. Check out my journey at http://abeekeepersblog.blogspot.com/
Malcolm T. Sanford
Posted by: Malcolm T. Sanford | October 13, 2007 at 01:38 PM
Malcolm, I followed your Australian travels daily with great interest through your blog. I cannot pretend to understand all of the technical information, but I HAVE learned that beekeeping is quite a complex process. I also expanded my knowledge about Australia as you gave us such vivid mental images of your travels. So glad you found your camera!!! Karla
Posted by: Karla Lofgen Davis | October 13, 2007 at 03:06 PM
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