Posted by Karla Lofgren Davis ~ July 10, 2007
Most people who have visited this site have made comments on the various threads found in the blog. So, we know who those folks are. If you are just visiting at this time and have not chosen to make a comment, we would love to know that you have been here. So, please let us know who you are by signing in below. Click on the word "comment" and then scroll down below the last comment that is recorded and sign in. You need only type in your name (you do not need to put in an email address or URL) and in the comment area type in a few words like "just visiting" or "nice blog" or "go Buffaloes" or some such. Then click on the "Post" button after the comment section.
Then...go to one of the threads and give us some information about yourself and/or share your thoughts in response to the topic or the comments of others about that topic. Return often to read the contribution of others and add your own contributions. THE SUCCESS OF THIS BLOG DEPENDS ON THE COMMENTS OF THOSE WHO READ IT. THE SUCCESS OF THIS BLOG DEPENDS ON YOU!!! :-)
It seems everyday, I find another thread I havn't yet explored. It makes my day when you guys jump-in and offer off-the-wall comments that send me speeding back to our "hallowed hallways". I plan to eventually get around to touching base with everyone I knew at school. That ought to keep me from getting that horrid senior affliction known as "napping".
Posted by: Clyde ( Sonny ) Jones | July 09, 2008 at 10:37 AM
How can I get David Williams's e-mail. We played in bands together and I've been trying to track him down for 40 years.
Posted by: Terry Brown | July 17, 2008 at 07:50 AM
Hi Terry, been a long time since we ran thru the streets of Pecan Park or watched Mr. Gibbs wring the neck of a couple fat chickens to make Sunday dinner for his wife a 6 kids. I hope time has been kind to you and yours.
Did you retire and move to LaGrange as you had intended the last time we talked?
I think David visits the blog now and again, perhaps he will see your comment and get back to you.
Meantime, let's get together for some coffee some Saturday morn and kick around old times.
Posted by: Mike Roberts | July 17, 2008 at 10:00 PM
Hi, Terry! Mike Roberts just informed me (via e-mail) that you are Martha Brown's brother. She was one of the gals I greatly admired in the class of '59 as she was a mover/shaker in drama and yearbook - my two main passions in high school. Can you give us a little info on how and what she is doing these days? Thanks!!! Karla
Posted by: Karla Lofgren Davis | July 20, 2008 at 11:23 AM
Hey, you guys! John and I will be leaving on a trip to D.C. and Gettysburg, PA, and other points across the south in a couple of weeks - and I need to be reading my Civil War history books. Instead here I am on the blog! It's addictive! Am loving the chatter. And I want Beverly Frankensen Allison to know that of course I remember her well. Very talented. Seemed focused. While I - a flibbertygibbet. :) And I adore classical music, Beverly! Anyway, Karla, I add my voice to the chorus singing your praises for your work on this blog. Amazing. And by the way, Randy was one of my last Milby dates, but I think it was actually after graduation. You got around, boy. :)
Posted by: Glenda Burns Minniece | July 22, 2008 at 02:09 PM
Talk about a small world. Elaine and I took another Carribean cruise last week and it was terrific as usual. The weather was
perfect and "ridin' them seas" was smooth and beea-utiful. Any way, our first port-of-call was Montego Bay, Jamaica. We signed up for an excursion called the "Deluxe Day at the Beach". So we get off the ship at the terminal, and we're in line on our way to the shuttle bus, and who is in line just ahead of us, but everyone's favorite introvert...Sharon Abdo. I had only seen Sharon a couple of times since high-school, and then only briefly. So now, I travel to Jamaica, and she is directly in front of me. You all remember how shy and demure Sharon was when we were young.....well she's just as you remember(and then some)! She has aged as well as any Angus beef I've ever seen. I guess "fine wine" would be a better analogy. Seriously, we had some big-time fun and all I can say is that she brought back many Milby memories and more. She was with her daughter and granddaughter on an all-girl trip. I fell instantly in-love with her granddaughter, Kaitlyn (who I'm sure is adopted).
The beach was storybook and we had one "different", but entertaining bus ride back. A singing, rapping, rhyming bus driver got some laughs in the beginning, but then, didn't know when to quit, until people started jumping off the bus and handing out ear-muffs. All-in-all, it was a terrific stop, and seeing Abdo was the bomb. She's pretty as ever and conducted herself admirably for someone who had consumed even half as much as she had. Her probation officer told her she could skip checking in that week, so she was feeling kinda loose. She told us she had an appointment to get a "skull & crossbones" tatooed on her forehead when we got back to the terminal. The last we saw of her, she had hopped up on a 30 gallon drum, and was leading everyone in the terminal in a rousing chorus of "Louie, Louie"....Yaah mahn!!
Posted by: Clyde (Sonny) Jones | August 17, 2008 at 02:37 PM
What a story, Sonny!!! Glad the two of you met up and partied hardy...and so glad you could share the story with all of us. What a romp!!! KD
Posted by: Karla Lofgren Davis | August 17, 2008 at 07:08 PM
No Sonny, Kaitlyn is not adopted and she as her Grandmother is quite a Lady as well as Sharon's
daughter Loyce is such a Great lady. They are a credit to the Great Lady that Sharon presents in
herself. And a heck of a lot of
fun. 30 Gallon barrel Huh boy don't surprise me - sitting or standing????
Posted by: Herbert Johns | August 29, 2008 at 04:42 AM
I have a biography to include, but I don't know where to go to put it in.
Nancy Norred Davis
4-18-10, [email protected]
[Karla here - so glad you asked!!! So glad you have a bio to submit. Now, for you and everyone else who is interested:
Just so you know - you now know everything there is to know about posting something on the blog. All you CAN do directly is make a comment - and you've just done that!!!. Everything else has to come through me by e-mail. I have a management site from which I can edit comments and/or submit new material.
If you want to start a bio page - and I hope you will - then just type it up and send it to me within an e-mail text or as an attachment to an e-mail.
( [email protected] )
I will create a page on the blog for you and then copy and paste your text into it with your name as the title/link. Very easy to do!
If you want to send photos - and I do hope you will - those can be attached as well. If you don't have digital photos to attach then you can send photos to me through the regular old US mail and I can scan them and return the originals to you. I'll send that address to you if you e-mail me.
So there you go - you are ready to roll. I can't wait to read your bio!!!]
Posted by: Nancy Norred Davis | April 18, 2010 at 10:14 PM