> Various Milby Era Photos (1957-60)

Our Milby Buffalo yearbooks contain many photographs that serve as the basis for memories of our days at Milby. Some of us have other photos of various activities and events during the years we were in high school that were not in the Buffalo. This album contains photos that fit in that category. (Click on album title to open. Once inside the album, click on individual thumbnails to view larger images.) Send your photos and info to your blogmeister. [email protected]

An ROTC Impromptu Trek

An ROTC Impromptu Trek

Sheila Steele sent these three ROTC photos with the following explanation:
"These three photos were taken about 10:00 PM the evening of the Veteran's Day Parade in downtown Houston. The school bus that was supposed to pick up the drill team and take them back to Milby didn't show up so we decided to march back to school from downtown. It took a while, but it was fun."

Shown here in the front are Sheila Steele, Jerry Tucker, Melba Evans, and James New
(If you are one of the others surrounding this trio, please identify yourself and we will add your name to the caption)

ROTC "Bigwigs"

ROTC "Bigwigs"

In center of this photo: MSgt. Shannon, MSgt. Idecker, Donald Hannsz

(If you are one of the others surrounding this trio, please identify yourself and we will add your name to the caption)

The Ladies of the ROTC

The Ladies of the ROTC

Good to know that even in the days of a perceived "fairer sex", these ladies could make the trek from downtown Houston to Milby right along with the macho men. AND...still look fresh and beautiful!!!

Pictured left to right: Sheila Steele, Glenda Burns, Melba Evans, Merle Montgomery, Sue Sanford

John Echoff's First Car

John Echoff's First Car

On the back of the photo, the caption reads:
John's first car ever owned
1949 Mercury
"The Bomb"

In the "Miscellaneous Thoughts or Simply Idle Chatter" thread, John decribes his car in this way..."No radio or heater, just transportation, some time the windshield wipers worked, but mostly not. It's a wonder we all didn't die from exhaust gases during cold weather, but somehow we made it thru. And those were the good old days!"

Yes, John - they were THE GOOD OLD DAYS!!! And thanks for bringing back more memories with your photos.

Student Council Officers, 1960

Student Council Officers, 1960

I found this clipping among my parents' things. Guess they were proud of their little girl. I was certainly proud of this honor during our senior year. Especially proud to serve with my buddy "Squeezy". (Did anyone else call him that? I don't know if that was all in my mind or if it was a commonly used nickname for the big guy).

In the post "Memories of Days Gone By...", Mike Roberts commented, "Billie, talking about Don Hannsz, brought back thoughts of he and Don Veazey, 2 of my pals who I considered were the smartest guys on the planet in the eighth grade, haven't seen either in 45 years."

I agree about their SMARTS. I saw Hannsz at the 45th reunion, and Veazey at the 40th. Both looking good and going strong. Hope they'll both contribute to the blog and join us for the 50th reunion!!! Don should send us photos from his recent trip to Maui. Karla

Echoff's Gallery of Girls

Echoff's Gallery of Girls

I think John was cleaning out his wallet (was it in 1960, 1965, or just the other day???) when he found pix of these darling damsels. Left to right, top to bottom: Sylvia Crawford, Billie Jean Trombatore, Sammie Farquhar, Miriam Monical, Sue Sanford, Arline Baumgarth, Roxanne Cox, Virginia Mancuso, Ann Garland.

I don't know exactly what a trio of these gals had in mind when they wrote on the backs of their photos: "To a boy who shares my chemistry", "Hey, Moose", and "To a very persistent guy!" Clarification, John??? Girls???

More From John's Wallet

More From John's Wallet

This bevvy of beauties includes, left to right, top to bottom: Nelda Julian, Harriet Acuff, Irene Englin, Barbara Freeman, Sharon Cox, Anita Henderson, Bonnie McCool, Donna Bailey, Marge Dudley, Darlene Sawyer, Pat Hall.

Hey, John - didn't you have any photos of guys?

Yep, Guys' Photos, Too!

Yep, Guys' Photos, Too!

OK, not so many, but John did send along some guy photos, too. Mr. Tulley (James Elvis), Jerry Mustain, Tommy Randall, and Danny Kirk.

(Mr. Tulley was one of my favorite teachers at Deady ~ hadn't thought of him in years. He was my homeroom teacher, but what did he teach? Math? Karla)

Teens To Baptist World Youth Alliance, June, 1958

Teens To Baptist World Youth Alliance, June, 1958

The caption under this Houston Chronicle newspaper article reads..."OFF TO TORONTO...these teenagers are shown shortly before they left Monday for the Baptist World Youth Alliance in Toronto, Canada. From left to right they are Karla Lofgren, 16, of 4150 Broadway; Tom Barnes, 17, of 4025 Broadway; and Julia Faye Anthony, 16, of 7733 Southern.

Tommy and Julia Faye were from the class of '59. There were about 50 of us (including those dratted chaperones) from Park Place Baptist Church on a deluxe charter bus - traveling across country, set free on the big city of Toronto, staying in a residence type hotel. We also went to Niagara Falls and donned the yellow slickers for the climb down the wooden staircase to the lower section of the falls. Wet, but awesome!

Which of you blog readers were on that bus to Toronto with us??? What are your memories of the trip??? Did any of you go to the Baptist World Youth Alliance with another group or with your family by car???

Girls - remember those basket purses with the lids that hinged and lifted and the flowers on top? And that Samsonite luggage is now sold in vintage shops for a hefty price - a popular item for home decorators. Who'd a'thunk-it???

Girls Booster Club Officers '59-'60

Girls Booster Club Officers '59-'60

Found this photo of the gals in a tub of miscellaneous pix. The Milby Class of 1957-58 is having its 50th anniversary celebration next weekend (April 18-20, '08) and I was looking for some things for Randy. Sure wish I knew how to contact Betsy Friesner (center front) and Kay Knobloch (to the left of Betsy). Does anyone have any type of contact information for them? Karla

Austin 1961

Austin 1961

Franklin Heide submitted this photo. Frank commented, "Here's a pic taken when we visited Paul Schrader & his new bride Donna when he was a freshman at UT-Austin In Feb 1961.

The persons left to right are: June Sillings, Guy Mason & Diane Whitley (I took pic).

Yes!! we stayed in separate rooms, girls & guys."

Thanks, Frank. Makes me wonder where that picture's been all this time. Was it one of many in an old shoebox, or just a stray tucked into a pile of momentos? Sure wish more people would search through their old pictures and memorabilia and send some more vintage items to stir our memories!!! KD

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